Breathing: Monitoring Your Rate for Better Health.

Breathing is an important life skill, but most of us don’t know how to do it. It’s especially important for people with more serious health conditions like asthma, high blood pressure, and heart disease. But anyone can benefit from this simple technique that helps you monitor your breathing rate. Taking a deep breath has been shown to lower the stress hormone in your body while increasing oxygen levels in your blood and brain. And those who practice mindfulness meditation have shown to reduce their risk of depression and increase their happiness levels by focusing on present day experiences. Here are three ways you can start monitoring your breathing rate today so you can relax and enjoy life more.


It’s important to monitor your breathing rate because low and inconsistent breathing rates can increase your risk of a number of health conditions. People with asthma, heart disease, or high blood pressure often have lower and inconsistent breathing rates that can lead to serious problems.

As a beginner, you may want to start by tracking your total breaths per minute. It’s easy to do this by counting the number of times you inhale and exhale in one minute. If you’re not sure how many times you inhale and exhale in one minute, try counting for 15 seconds first. Then, multiply the total count by 4 seconds. For example, if you inhaled 10 times in 15 seconds, divide that by 16 (4 x 4) = 128 total breaths per minute.


If you’re not sure how to track your breathing rate, there are a few ways you can do it. One way is by using a simple app on your phone. There are apps that will help you track how often and for how long you breathe. You can also use a tracker that’s available at most pharmacies or health stores like CVS. The device will record the information and send it to your smartphone every day.

The last way to keep track of your breathing rate is an online calculator that’s been recommended by many experts in the field of sleep and breathing exercise. It’s a simple tool where all you need to do is type in your age, weight, height, and answer some questions about your daily activities and the device will give you an estimate on how much time your body spends in each deep breath.



Monitoring your breathing rate for a few minutes a day can be very beneficial. Not only will it improve your mood and reduce the amount of stress in your body, but it can also prevent high blood pressure, heart disease, and even asthma. The three ways to monitor your breathing rate are:

  • Meditating: By focusing on present-day experiences and taking deep breaths, you’ll naturally lower your stress hormone levels.
  • Counting breaths: It’s easy to count to 10 or 20 seconds during an activity like walking or running. You could also count to 10 seconds while sitting still to decrease your stress levels.
  • Watching yourself breathe: Taking time to watch yourself breathe through closed eyes can help make you more aware of your breathing patterns so that you can regulate them better when needed.

When you first start practicing mindfulness, it can be hard to determine what breath rate is best for you. This guide will provide you with the basics of how to track your breathing rate and how to find an optimal rate for you.

Once you have found your optimal rate, you can begin to reap the benefits of mindfulness and breathe more deeply for more than just a better mood.