chemical etching supplier


We are a leading chemical etching supplier with over 25 years of experience in the industry. We provide a wide range of services to our clients, all designed to meet their specific needs and requirements.

Some of the services we offer include:

They offer several services, including:

  1. Prototyping

This is the service they offer to create a three-dimensional model of the required product. This is useful for clients who want to see what their product will look like before it goes into mass production.

  1. Mass production

This is the main service. They offer wherein the client provides them with the necessary specifications, and they will produce the said product in large quantities.

  1. Reverse engineering

This service is for clients who have a product but do not have the blueprint or schematic. They will take the product apart and create a blueprint or schematic of it so that it can be mass-produced.

  1. Research and development

They also offer this service wherein they help their clients develop new products or improve existing ones.

  1. Testing and quality control

They offer this service to ensure that their clients receive products of the highest quality and meet all the requirements and specifications.

  1. Training and support

They offer this service to help their clients use their products properly and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

  1. Customization

This is a service they offer to clients who want to have their products customized according to their specific needs and requirements.

What are the benefits of using chemical etching?

There are many benefits of using chemical etching, some of which are:

  1. Creates intricate designs

One of the benefits of using chemical etching is that it can create intricate and detailed designs. This is because the process does not involve any mechanical processes, which means there are no design limitations.

  1. Cost-effective

Another benefit of using chemical etching is that it is very cost-effective, especially compared to other methods such as stamping or machining.

  1. Can be used on various materials

Chemical etching can be used on various materials, including metals, plastics, and glass.

  1. No welding or soldering is required

When using chemical etching, there is no need for welding or soldering, meaning there is no heat-affected zone. This makes the process ideal for delicate components.

  1. Minimal material waste

Another benefit of using chemical etching is that there is very little material waste. This is because the process only removes the required material from the surface.

What are the applications of chemical etching?

There are many applications of chemical etching, some of which are:

  1. Medical devices

One of the most common applications of chemical etching is in the production of medical devices. This is because the process can create very intricate designs, which are necessary for many medical devices.

  1. Electronics

Another common application of chemical etching is in the production of electronic components. This is because the process can create very small and intricate designs, which are necessary for many electronic components.

  1. Automotive

Chemical etching is also commonly used in the automotive industry. This is because the process can create very intricate designs, which are necessary for many automotive components.

  1. Aerospace

Chemical etching is also commonly used in the aerospace industry. This is because the process can create very intricate designs, which are necessary for many aerospace components.

  1. Jewelry

Another common application of chemical etching is in the production of jewellery. This is because the process can create very intricate designs, which are necessary for many jewellery pieces.


Chemical etching is a process that can be used to create very intricate and detailed designs. There are many benefits of using chemical etching, such as the fact that it is a very cost-effective method and can be used on a wide variety of materials. There are also many applications of chemical etching, such as in the production of medical devices, electronics, automotive components, aerospace components, and jewellery.